Reporting Animal Issues: Animal Control
Officers enforce the animal control laws of the township and of the New York State Department of Agriculture.
The Animal Control Officers respond to residents' complaints regarding stray, vicious, injured, barking, or owned loose dogs and other domestic or wild animals.
If you find any injured wildlife, you can transport it to a local animal hospital, Animal Emergency Service, located at 280 Middle Country Road, Selden, NY 11784, (631) 698-2225 or Sweetbrier Nature Center, 62 Eckernkamp Dr., Smithtown, (631) 979-6344. If you are unable or unwilling to transport the wildlife, we ask that you keep an eye on the animal, call us at (631) 360-7575, and wait at the scene until an animal control officer arrives, so that we can pick it up and transfer it so that it can be treated for it’s injuries by a veterinarian or wildlife rehabilitator.
If wildlife is found in your yard and seems uninjured, keep your pets and food inside to allow enough time for the wildlife to feel safe and return to it’s own home.
The Highway Department should be contacted if deceased wildlife are found on public property in the Town of Smithtown, so that they can be picked up and disposed of. Homeowners are responsible for disposal of wildlife on private property.
ACO officers are also in charge of the TNR program and work closely with the public who help control the feral cat population.
Our officers help animals who become property of the shelter cope more effectively with their new environment and assist with both the foster and adoption process; ensuring our furry friends receive safe and loving homes.